Embrace Challenge Homepage
All of us face challenges daily. Some challenges arise because of our careers, our health, or some other circumstance.
I left the classroom for the first time in 2004 and soon thereafter started learning how to use Dreamweaver better. I am proud to say that I started using Dreamweaver back when Studio 8 or MX was the latest and greatest to come out of Macromedia. I've tried to keep up with how to make websites, but CSS came and bypassed me. Fortunately I took a class this past year on how to build websites using CSS so now I'm remodelling Embrace Challenge to ideally be more up to date with its styling and ease of use. I have no idea how long it is going to take me to redo the entire website so if you come here normally to look for something and that has not been fixed yet, please feel free to email me to let me know you need me to change something.
Mel's EDTECH page