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Science education links

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Science and Science Education Links

There are tons of excellent science teaching links out there. Email me if there are sites you want added, especially if it is one you've created. In time, they will be added here, too.

Quick jump to sections on this page:

WWW Resources or Sites that Focus on a Semi-Specific Science Content Area

General Science Science Teacher Pages Government Sponsored Companies that sell technology for classroom
Commercial Sites for General Science Non-Profit (or gov't funded) Organizations that have general science education information University based general science ed websites with lessons Nature of Science
General Biology Middle School Focus Databases Science Related Professional Organizations
Biotechnology or Genetics Evolution Science Websites National Science Education Organizations
Environmental Science Photosynthesis Microbiology, bacteriology, or virology Marine Biology
Neuroscience Education Health

Global Warming

Anatomy/ Physiology
Chemistry Earth Science Physics Astronomy
Misc sites Metrics Science News resources Links recommended by other people

Resources or Museums that also help out teachers or students in their geographic area

SF Bay Area or Northern CA Southern CA Located outside of CA

General Education Websites

General sites for all teachers about teaching or with teaching ideas Commercial or Professional Organizations related to teaching Companies that sell technology for hands-on activities or interactive learning Information for developing your own webpage
Technology or Multimedia information that focuses on teaching or instruction delivery

Small Learning Communities, Houses, School-to-Career, Academies, etc.

link to handouts, website suggestions, or attachments sent to me from other people  

At this point, this page is continuously being updated, so if you have a favorite link, email Melissa so she can add it. Be sure to check back again to see what's been added. If you click on a link and it does not go where you expect it to go, PLEASE tell me so it can be fixed. Links working on Feb 14, 2006.

WWW Resources or Sites that Focus on

a Semi-Specific Science Content Area

General Science Education or sites that cater to multiple science topics (that are not government, comercial, non-profit, maintained by teachers, or falling in some other category)
Nature of Science

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General Biology Education

may focus on an area of biology other than genetics, environmental science, evolution, or marine biology- "specialized" areas are listed below this section

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Biotechnology or Genetics Education

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Microbiology, bacteriology, virology, or other small cirtters

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Health Education

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Anatomy and physiology

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Neuroscience Education

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Environmental Science Education

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Marine Biology

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Global Warming (and Michael Crichton)
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Chemistry Education
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Physics or physical science education

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Astronomy Education

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Earth Science Education

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Weather education

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Science News Resources (indirectly to help support literacy)
Science Websites that offer lots of info that might be useful in the classroom

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Science Curricula or technology designed specifically for middle school aged (or younger) students

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Science Teacher Written or Maintained Pages
General, Life and Physical Science

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Life Sciences

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  • Mrs.H's Middle Earth (biology)
  • Mrs. H's Middle Earth (honors biology)
  • Chris Halloran's Web Page- investigating science online; online science courses such as AP biology, biology; list of links; other teaching related resources
  • Kelly Paul- biology, honors anatomy and physiology, resources
  • an amazing AP biology teacher page
  • Lance Wilson biology and AP biology
  • Biology 12- lots of curriclum for bio classes, written as lectures. The images are very clear to see.
  • Contexo- DNA, molecular biology, and genetic geneology
  • Mrs Fortenberry- anatomy and physiology, bio, health

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Physical Sciences

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Middle Grades specific

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  Regional Occupational Program (ROP) websites
Non-Profit (or gov't funded) Organizations that have general science education information

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University based general science ed websites with lessons
Government Sponsored Science or Science Education
National Science Education / Professional Development Organizations
  • NSTA- National Science Teachers Association
  • NABT- National Association for Biology Teachers
  • AAPT (physics teachers)
  • NESTA (earth science teachers)
  • CSE: Center for Science Education
  • NAAEE: North American Association for Environmental Education
  • NSRC: National Science Resource Center, National Academies of Science
  • NMLSTA: National Middle Level Science Teachers Association
  • AIP: American Institute of Physics
  • ASMCUE- Microbiology Undergraduate Educators
  • ABLE: Association for Biology Laboratory Education
  • AAAS- education information
Science related Professional Organizations that serve as excellent resources
Commercial sites especially for K-12 science education
Companies that sell technology to be used specifically with science education
  • PASCO- probeware
  • Vernier- data collection technology
  • eChalk- offers single or site licences for their animations, but you can also show them from your computer for free
  • MeasureNet- network based electronic data acquisition; it is a compact way of using high-tech equipment for EACH lab group. I was able to talk with them at an ACS conference and when I get the money to buy their equipment, I am. It blows away other companies.

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Science Education Sites that focus on something unique or specific, but I can't figure out where else they belong in links categories on this page

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Resources or Museums that also help out teachers or students in their geographic area:

SF Bay Area or Northern CA

Organizations for Curriculum or Professional Development

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Resources or Museums that also help out teachers or students in their geographic area:

Southern CA

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Resources or Museums that also help out teachers or students in their geographic area:

Located outside of CA





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General Education Websites

Sites for teachers about teaching or with teaching ideas

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Commercial or Professional Organizations related to teaching

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Companies that sell technology for hands-on activities or interactive learning
  • Promethean- not only do they have instant feedback devices, but they have a special white board that interacts with what is being presented. I saw their stuff at a conference and was very impressed. Check out their site!
  • Smartroom.com- an audience response system to spontaneously quiz your kids and know what they think
  • Qwizdom- an audience response system to spontaneously quiz your kids and know what they think
  • There is actually a company called audience response that sells systems
  • PASCO- probeware
  • Vernier- data collection technology
  • Turning Point- audience response systems
  • Edulaunch- online training on webdesign in high schools
  • Options Technology Interactive- Audience response systems

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Want to create your own teacher website? Check out these links- some list free places to host your site, others are tools you can use to create a site

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Technology or Multimedia information that focuses on teaching or instruction delivery
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Small Learning Communities, Houses, School-to-Career, Academies, etc.

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©2005 - 2011 Melissa Getz all rights reserved